Peer Help Groups: November 2005

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I would highly recommend two videos that I recently bought. The first, produced by FARMS, was first shown at this year's Education Week. Entitled Journey of Faith the video follows the trek of Lehi's family from Jerusalem to the Promised Land, giving insight and detail into places they most likely visited and things that they probably had to deal with. It gives the viewer a greater understanding of what Lehi's family had to go through and what they gave up. This is sold at

The second video is Joseph. Hosted by Susan Easton Black and other BYU faculty members, the video gives incredible stories about the life of Joseph Smith, his family backgrounds, things that he went through as a child that we don't hear about often, and just incredible stories that you don't find anywhere else. It is a two-disc set with three episodes on each disc. I believe you can by it at for somewhere between 20-25 dollars. The bicentennial celebration of the birth of Joseph Smith is almost here and the new movie produced by the Church will be released in just a few weeks. It would be good to have some background before going to see that new movie.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Listing to Obey

A recent discussion on King Benjamin's address in Mosiah, beginning in chapter 2, brought to light some new insights on the term "list to obey." King Benjamin warns his followers that they should beware of contention because it can lead to listing to obey the evil one.

A ship that is set on its course may very well be heading at great speed and in the right direction. But when a ship lists, it can gently lean towards one side. For all appearances, it is still heading in the right direction. However, a slight lean now can end a ship far off its course in the end. A ship that is listing will leave the straight course, it's just a matter of when. There are times when we, for all appearances, are heading in the right direction and doing what's necessary to be successful Latter-day Saints. But, a listing heart, that is gently leaning away from the straight path, will eventually leave. Having our behavior in check may allow us to believe that we are headed straight and no wave will push us. But there is often still a slight leaning of our hearts. We need to focus more effort on having a changed heart, one that desires righteoursness, with no more disposition to do evil. This can only come from an understanding and application of the gospel principles found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as it did for King Benjamin's subjects after they had entered into a covenant with the Lord and recognized their own state before Him. Take care of a listing heart rather than swaying from the path and repenting.

I tried to think of times in my life when my heart did not list. They are fewer than I'd like, but I can think of a few and what they seem to have in common shouldn't have surprised me. They were times when I was perfectly obedient (as in to the Spirit's promptings) and when my focus was on others. It also seems that these two principles are those that we are implementing to establish Zion. When we are actively engaged in building Zion, I don't believe that listing is an option because our hearts and minds are both engaged in a much greater work. We are building Zion in every stake and ward that we serve in and by implementing those principles in our own lives, we will be able to avoid the pitfalls of our day have the changed heart that changes our behavior instantly. Yes, I meant to put instantly.

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