Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Dental Floss
I'll include the customary 'they are not paying me to do this' but I doubt anyone reading this blog thinks anyone would ever pay me to review something of theirs with the maybe three devout readers I have.
Labels: marketing
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Look familiar?

The Kaufman Foundation is launching Entrepreneurship Week beginning on Friday. The logo is lit up with "What's your big idea?" Not the first time we've seen that. It was plastered all over t-shirts for the BYU Business Plan competition last year and is still being used this year in the competition. I couldn't find an image of the actual logo that was used last year, but it isn't that far off.
Labels: byu, entrepreneurship
Monday, February 19, 2007
Labor Unions vs. The Nation
Cesar Chavez day will be a holiday at the campus where there are no classes. I also want to point out that Cesar Chavez day is actually on a Saturday, but there are celebrating that Friday. Remind you that this is not a private university, this is a State of California funded university. Without getting into the politics of Cesar Chavez or discussing the merits of what he did, even if the entire country agreed with the outcomes of his efforts, does that mean that we replace the holiday celebrating our founding fathers? We're not even talking about one founding father. Remember how we combined all of them into one holiday? And now it's not even a holiday in exchange for a labor union leader? A leader celebrating rights that would not have existed except for the sacrifice of the founders? Is the State of California joking? Has anyone living in California written their congressman? Mine is Ed Royce and trust me, he's getting a letter, not an email. I handwritten letter.
Labels: politics
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Make me royalty
Not long ago, we thought about changing the login on our sites so that instead of "Hello, Dan" it would read "Hello, HRH Dan" or just "HRH Dan." We weren't going to explain it and just wait for people to ask. The reason is that on one of the sites, which actually isn't functioning now, it seemed like every question related to people not understanding who they really are. The most success we had was when we would compare them to royalty and persuade them to act accordingly in certain areas of their lives.
I think that there is an innate desire in all of us to be special. To feel dignified. I believe I know where this comes from. As Wordsworth put it, "But trailing clouds of glory do we come From God, who is our home." We never went through with that small change, but as we continued the royalty feeding, it seemed like there were many individuals that had a dramatic change in self esteem. This was probably not due to our referring to them as royalty, but more, their acting like royalty. When you act dignified, you almost can't help but feel a quiet dignity flowing through you. It all stems from the fact that we are royalty. We've felt it in us before and have a need to continue feeling that or remind ourselves of it. We often hear people ask, "What would the world be like if everyone..." and it usually finishes with something we can do to help others. But honestly, what would the world be like if we all treated ourselves like royalty should? I don't mean paparazzi and servants and secret lives. I mean with dignity and respect. If we just thought those higher thoughts of ourselves, what would be the change in our actions? In our relations to others? Try it for a day and see what changes it makes in your attitude.
Signing off
HRH Dan Sage
Labels: royalty
Friday, February 09, 2007
Youmail and SpinVox
I think that youmail.com has to be one of the greatest free services available right now. I was given an opportunity to try out the new SpinVox accounts that should be available to the public soon, but if the two services are not compatible (and I believe they won't be), I think that I'll stick with youmail. Youmail allows a personal voicemail greeting for different contacts in your phonebook. I've already started customizing depending on the type of messages left. With one person, my voicemail greeting now says, Hi..., you don't need to leave a message. I'll see that you called and call you back." With another I said, "If you're calling because I'm late, then I'm sorry." Youmail also allows you to listen to your messages on line or have wav files emailed to you. SpinVox will convert voicemails to text and send them as text messages. I think that's cool, but not necessary for me right now. Both services will be free.
P.S. Don't be intimidated by the wierd welcome screen at youmail.
Labels: mobile phone
Friday, February 02, 2007
Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts (Pt. 2)

At the beginning of the month, I posted on the 2007 Mutual Theme for the Church, "Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts Unceasingly..." We are going to provide content throughout the year in an effort to help individuals garnish their thoughts with virtue. In the original post, I included an audio reading of the Foreward and first section of James Allen's "As a Man Thinketh." Well, I am not a professional reader, so forgive any mistakes, coughs, or mouse clicks, or page turns that you might hear. But this content is public domain and so there is no copyright violation. I've finally finished the rest of the book. You can download it from this page and also find a lot more content in our Readings and Podcasts section of LDS Teen Help and Help for Guys. Undoubtedly, I will one day move these mp3s into a different folder called books/AsaManThinketh or Asamanthinketh or jamesallen or something to better organize them so that I don't have lots of mp3s sitting around unorganized. I will then probably update the Readings and Podcasts section links but forget about this post. When that happens, check the Readings section.
As a Man Thinketh
- Foreward
- Thought and Character
- Effect of Thought on Circumstance
- Effect of Thought on Health and the Body
- Thought and Purpose
- The Thought Factor in Achievement
- Visions and Ideals
- Serenity
Thanks, and keep looking back for more content.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
History repeating itself?
Labels: bad ideas, funding, VC