Peer Help Groups: How the electronic Goal Program helps

Thursday, September 08, 2005

How the electronic Goal Program helps

One thing unique about this site is the electronic Goal Setting Program. So many of the people using the website did not want to write down their goals for fear of someone finding them, that we had to develop a way for them to keep track of their goals and progress in a confidential setting. The goal program not only allows for the individual to keep track of their goals, but also to identify why theymight be failing to meet them. There are 5 common reasons that sway people from their goal keeping. By identifying those reasons each week, they are able to learn how to see the technique coming before it hits them. They also learn where they are stronger and where they are more vulnerable. A goal calendar is provided which allows them a physical daily check-off without saying what the goal is. The goal program is set up so that the individual is forced to identify how they are going to react in the different situations that will bring about temptation rather than simply saying they are never going to commit the act again. The settings they are to plan for include the situation where they know beforehand the temptation is likely to occur and the situation where a surprise temptation comes that they could not have planned for. They are also asked to identify a positive activity that they can become involved in that will keep them pointed in the right direction and in which they can become completely engrossed. The purpose is for the individual to be able to set those three goals and then completely forget about the addiction. Without the addiction on their mind, and knowing that they only have to follow three guidelines, much more time and energy is freed. The unnecessary and uncconstructive guilt should dissolve while rather than focusing on what the individual will not do, they are constantly focusing on what they will do. We have seen great success in individuals using this program when they use it consistently. The largest proglem we face is the tendency to want to separate oneself from the program as soon as the slightest success is seen. We need to find a way to allow more of those in the Goal Setting Program to be mentored in their goals. Hopefully, until then, the examples provided will help people see how to effectively establish goals.

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