Friday, September 30, 2005
What do I do next?
In a recent email I received from Phil Harrison, author of Clean Hands, Pure Heart, he gave numerous suggestions for the site. As you might be aware, Clean Hands, Pure Heart is able to be used for a 12-step program. There is a main principle involved in the programs and book that is required in order for the program to be effective, that is the need to recognize one's own ineffectiveness in attempts to overcome addiction and surrender yourself and your will to the Lord. Bro. Harrison agrees with me that our site focuses a lot on the success of our own efforts and not on the reliance upon the Lord that is really necessary for recovery to occur. The reasoning is that "Addiction is a condition where we have lost that power--we have surrendered it to the adversary." I have recently purchased this book and plan to make a study of it that will affect the Goal Setting Program. The Goal Setting Program was never meant to be the end solution to addiction recovery, but rather a first step. I also received an email this week from a young man using the Goal Setting Program. After discussing the success he had had in identifying his moments of weakness that he would have to watch out for and what he believes would be an effective plan for escaping these temptations, he said, "What do I do next?...I just dont know what the next step is." This is a question that I hope everyone using the goal program asks because that is definitely not the end of the road. The Goal Progam is simply designed to help individuals identify the dangerous situations around them and provide a temporary plan of escape, long enough hopefully that they can begin to work with the Lord and seek a change of heart. The only permanent solution to a problem such as this would be turning to the Lord and receiving a new heart with new desires. In the past, we saw that so many individuals wanted this change of heart, but couldn't separate themselves from their sin or addiction long enough to even shift their focus. Changing behavior is temporary relief and is not the end. The quote found on header of each page from Elder Packer is found in the preface to Clean Hands, Pure Heart and is a standard that I hope to develop at this site. In answer to the Young Man's question, what he should do next, the only permanent solution is one of progression, leaving behind the sins and turning to the Lord, seeking a new heart with new desires. How does one do that? Well, if there is a way to do it on-line, I've never discovered it. That's something that takes place everyday with thousands kneeling at their beds, rising early to study the scriptures, walking the temple grounds, speaking with their Bishops. I hope that we can make the appropriate changes to the site to restore focus to the Savior in our pursuit of change. Much like the Center for Change, (Eating Disorders) we also hope to provide a nurturing environment while individuals go through the recovery process.