Sunday, December 18, 2005
Building Communities
One of the most frustrating things for some people is dealing with other people. They wish that they could either do whatever it is that they are working on themselves and not have to rely on others or force others to understand the purposes and importance of what they are working on. It seems that with every new assignment in the church of which I am a member comes a new perspective and new understanding of the purposes for certain programs and decisions. I often wonder why I didn't understand before and how the previous individual ever managed to control his/her frustration in dealing with me. One of the most amazing things of successful communities, and from a religious perspective, the establishment of Zion, is that great, even perfect communities can be built with imperfect people. I'm sure that it can be the frustrating thing, but also one of the most miraculous, that through people like us, great things can happen and needs can be met. When we become easily frustrated with others who just don't seem to get it, let's slow down a little bit a remember just how many people have been frustrated with us over the years and probably are right now without our realizing it. And even in such conditions, the work goes on and great things happen. It really is a miracle.