Peer Help Groups: Googling at its best

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Googling at its best

I don't know if the ZDNet blog post was attempting to compliment Google or just creating a new way to use the verb, but Garett Rogers proposed that with the expanding Google services, we can no longer use the verb "to Google" to mean search for something on-line, but rather what Google does best is making available services better and free. I think that may be downplay some of the many original ideas and services that Google has created, but it is a great compliment to focus on their ability to monetize what information is already out there and there is not question that they hope to make money on other people's information. At the same time, that is what a lot of recent companies have been trying to do. Every social networking site is hoping to make their living off of user-generated content. MySpace and Facebook only make money as their users create more pages on which to place ads (MySpace actually makes some more money on things like music, video, and concert deals). To be able to harness user-generated content and make it profitable is what many are trying, and like Rogers said, Google just does it better.

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