We live in a society that sometimes values imitations more than the real thing and the rest of society unknowingly accepts the imitation instead of the real thing. The media may glamorize the one night stand or non-committal hook-up while degrading the long-term relationship. We have television shows devoted to plastic surgery. Entire industries are built around soap operas and romance novels. Social groups and gangs are seeking to replicate the family experience. People set goals that will never produce the permanent changes they are looking for. Individuals would rather immerse themselves in the imitation lives of a television show than deal with relationship issues in their own lives. Of course, people don't want to think that these are imitations. They want to think that they are real thing, hence the immense popularity of reality tv shows. But none of this will ever be the real thing. You will not form a relationship with characters that results in mutual growth. So many people are desperate for real relationships, but settling on something of far less value. Don't be fooled and don't waste your time on upholding an imitation. Start committing yourself to the growth and development of relationships of substance and goals that produce the kind of person you actually want to be.
(Picture from
Threadless.com by
Cameron McEwan)
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