Peer Help Groups: TV Proof Ad

Friday, July 20, 2007

TV Proof Ad

A toy maker in Canada produced an ad that was not able to be skipped by Tivo (source), "to the elation of anxious network-estranged may only be a matter of time before advertisers can ease comfortably back into ad-supported viewing models." Just to have our definitions correct, when Tivo speaks of Tivo-proof ads, what they mean is that advertisers should make their ads so good that the viewer does not want to skip the ad. Unless I'm misunderstanding, it appears that this Tivo-proof ad is actually embedded with a signal that does not allow it to be skipped. That is what advertisers are so excited over. The viewers that do not want to watch their ads, that want to fast forward through them, now are going to be forced to sit there and watch them. I don't know about you, but if I was an advertiser, I would not be elated. You have just completely separated yourself from your audience and ensured a negative experience while viewing your ad. Imagine thousands of viewers watching Tivo, skipping to where they want, seeing your ad come on and not being able to fast forward. While your ad is singing some jingle in the background, the viewers are sitting there thinking every negative thought they can conjure. And you're elated. It seems like someone is missing the point.

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