Sunday, October 02, 2005
General Conference Thoughts
First, after Elder Bednar's talk in the Priesthood Session, I thought that we aren't doing enough for the Preparing Missionaries of the Church. We can provide a lot more resources for them specifically and emphasize the training that the Church has already put into place for them. They can build a network amongst themselves and receive the peer support that they need. We already have the site, but this only acts as a front for the Teen Help Site.
Second, there are many times that parents come to our site looking for resources on how to help their children. Why don't we build a site for them, with their own resources and the ability to communicate amongst themselves and receive support and ideas from eachother. I don't believe that it would be very difficult.
Third, I think it might have been Elder Soares' talk, but in Sunday Afternoon session, one of the Seventy spoke on the importance of Covenants. I don't have it worked out in my mind yet, but we need something that helps to remind individuals or the covenants that they have already made and keeps them looking forward to the ones that they will still make. I don't know if we're talking about a new program or just another resource, but I'm leaning towards program if I could figure it out in my mind. Any thoughts are definitely welcome.
Fourth, Elder Paul Johnson of the Seventy spoke on the importance of General Conference and how that Ensign issue, or Conference Report, can be a modern day Liahona for us. I think we should use the Threaded Discussion Boards to have a weekly review of a conference talk. We'll post the link to it and spend the week studying that talk and posting what we've learned. We can still have one forum open for past problems and responses, and we can put more of those up, we just won't separate them into different forums. I think it's a good idea and even if we only get a few participating, it'll be worth it for them.
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