Friday, July 20, 2007
TV Proof Ad
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Positivity Effect - Age
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Greatest Enemies
It would, however, be very unfortunate if the rest of the world based their view of America on the movies that make headlines.
Movies I don't understand why anyone would want to see:
No End in Sight
Fahrenheit 911
When Fahrenheit 911 came out, I was in a very conservative place but surrounded by friends who thought that it was conservative because people weren't thinking for themselves and following their parents political views because, obviously, if anyone did think for themselves they wouldn't be conservative. They were usually surprised when I would tell them that I watched the majority of Fahrenheith 9/11 and laughed at the allegations. I would confront the logic, or lack thereof, used in most of the arguments and my friends would have nothing to say. Mainly because they had not thought about it either. That's how it typically goes. The ones that are claiming to be free-thinkers are the least likely to actually be thinking for themselves. I do try and see it from others' perspectives. I understand some of the problems people have with the Iraq war. I understand some of the problems people have with the Bush Administration. I don't agree with them, but I try and understand them. What I absolutely do not understand is someone's desire to become a bigger part of the problem rather than proactively think of solutions. I don't care what organization you're a part of, I don't understand complaining for the sake of complaining.
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Marketing Twist - Give while drinking
Other examples of products that were in essence no different than their competitors at the core except for specific marketing like this would include: ArcLight Cinemas in Los Angeles, El Capitan Theatre, possibly Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream (even though many purchase the ice cream for the unique taste and flavors, not for the social marketing), Home Depot (as compared to Lowe's or other home improvement warehouses, Home Depot sets itself apart as a socially engaged corporation), and any other business that takes a general experience and makes it different by targeting a specific group through marketing and experience. The core products in each of those businesses does not have to change, for example ArcLight and El Capitan show the same movies you can see at a regular theatre. Home Depot sells basically the same tools that you can buy elsewhere. Ben and Jerry's probably doesn't belong in that list, because you really can't get their ice cream flavors anywhere else, but you get the point. I no longer go to theatres that don't provide stadium seating. I thought those theatre were so nice when they first started popping up. Now, it's expected. People pay premium for an experience. Learn to give them an experience while using your product or receiving your service and they'll pay double. Teach them that they need that experience and nothing else will do.
*Update: Another product that came to my attention was Tom's Shoes.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
My Relationship with God
This being Sunday, I am going to begin with a topic that is religious in nature. But even those that aren't religious or are of a different belief system will see parallels to their own beliefs in the example I'm going to use. I've found that when I make commitments to God, He often follows through even when I don't. I know that his blessings are usually contingent upon my obedience to eternal laws, but sometimes he goes right ahead with faith in me that I will keep my end of the bargain. And when I don't, it causes problems for me, not for Him. For example, earlier this week I was really tired and making dumb mistakes and struggling to keep my mind and heart on the right course of thought. So I told Heavenly Father that I was going to go to bed early the next day. I think I even promised that I would. The next day, I went to bed maybe half an hour earlier than normal. This was still late and He and I both new it. Come 4:30am, I'm awake. I had decided awhile ago that if Heavenly Father ever woke me up in the middle of the night, I would get up and talk to him or read the scriptures because He was probably waking me up because He wanted me to figure something out. But that morning, at 4:30am, the response wasn't that I was supposed to figure something out, but that I was supposed to get started. I had things to do that day that He had planned on me doing and I wasn't going back to sleep. I stayed up and had a great morning, very productive and effective. Of course, I got tired and took a nap around 7am before I had to leave for work at 8am. I, of course, woke up late and was rushed. At the first sign of dumb mistakes throughout the day, I felt (didn't consciously think, but felt) "Well, this is your fault, Father. Why'd you wake me up so early?" (Directed to God, of course). And the response was, "Well, why'd you tell me you were going to bed early?"
I felt dumb. I'm grateful for a God that believes me when I say I'm going to do something. I wish I was strong enough to actually follow through.
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Friday, July 13, 2007
Can't find the button? Here's the link.
Best foot forward?

"Why Our Apples Maintain Their Great Taste and Natural Appearance"
[Brand name] apples are picked at the perfect time to capture all of their delicious taste and freshness. Finally our apples are bathed in a wholesome blend of vitamins and minerals to keep their delicious taste and natural color."
That's amazing! So, my apples turn brown when I cut them because I either picked them at the wrong time or didn't bathe them in vitamins and minerals. Now, there are rules in marketing about always putting your best foot forward. If you can find away to tell mostly the truth and still look good, then do it. The fact is, this bath of vitamins and minerals is really calcium ascorbate. Calcium ascorbate does contain Vitamin C (vitamins) and calcium (minerals), so technically, it is a bath of vitamins and minerals. Calcium ascorbate is produced by causing a reaction between the vitamin C and the calcium and removing the carbon dioxide (Wikipedia). Apparently there are no negative side effects, except for loss of firmness. The problem with always wanting to put your best foot forward is where to draw the line between embellished truth and lies. Technically, the apples are bathed in a blend of vitamins and minerals. Technically, the apples are soaked in a solution of Calcium Ascorbate. Both statements are true, one sounds a lot better. I'm not saying I agree with this particular use of this marketing law, but I do believe that this is a great example of this marketing law in use.
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Sunday, July 08, 2007
MPAA Ratings

If an organization of the world is going to step in and say, "Hey, we are strongly cautioning you. We're giving you a stern warning.," then that might be something that we, as members of the Church, who profess to live a higher standard, should think about. I'm not saying all PG-13s are bad. I'm just saying, why are we surprised when a movie that the world says, "You're strongly cautioned and if it was any worse, we'd enforce our standards on you," turns out to be inappropriate? I don't see a surprise in that at all. Yet, I was surprised. I think that this shows a tendency in my life to live as close to the line as possible. That's something that I'm going to have to work on and I think that this might be a more accurate measure of where I stand than other things that I choose to use as measures.
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